Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Website Blunders - Lengthy or Non-Memorable Domain Name

One thing that can put off potential customers before they even visit your site is the use of long or hard to remember domain names. A domain name that is long will be hard to remember and many people won't bother to write it down. If the name is too ordinary or bland it will be hard to remember as well. Many people don't write down web addresses but instead rely on their memory. If your domain name is hard to remember you can lose visitors.

Finding the perfect domain name for your business can be tricky. The name should be short enough to remember easily yet should describe your business. In addition, you need to be sure that the domain name is not in use by anyone else. You can test domain names easily through any domain hosting site.

Use your own market research to help find a good name. Try brainstorming with your business associates to come up with a list of suitable domain names. Narrow your list down to several and then ask friends and relatives their opinion of the names. Sometimes the perfect name may not be the one you think it will be. Keep an open mind because the ultimate goal of the domain name is to help attract customers to your site. Once at your site, the web site needs to look good and do its job of selling your product or service.

* Your domain name should be short enough to remember
* Make it memorable - stay away from non-descript wording
* Your domain name should describe your company, product or service.
* The tone of your domain name should be tailored to your target audience
* Don't use names that are too cute or trendy as they won't last
* Choose a name that sounds good
* Spell the name out to make sure it looks as good as it sounds
* Ask others for input and reactions once you find a name
* Your name defines you. Make sure it sounds professional.
* Names that are too long will not work well
* Stay away from awkward or phonetic spelling that can be confusing to potential customers.
* Practice typing in your potential domain names to see which ones are easier to type
* A shorter domain name will be easier to fit onto business cards and brochures

To discover the Top 30 Website Blunders and how you can avoid them when launching your next website, please visit


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