Monday, March 10, 2008

Expired Domains Mean Opportunities

If you have a website, you want traffic; lots and lots of traffic, as a matter of fact. You are well aware of the fact that there are now millions of Internet users out there, and among those millions, there may be at least one or two thousand web surfers every day looking for the exact services or products that you're selling. But there's a problem. How do you reach out to those potential customers and make them come to your site?

You probably have been very busy already with your Internet marketing. I would assume that you have submitted your site to the search engines, bought a few ads in a variety of e-zines, and perhaps even put up a couple of banners. So are you satisfied with the results you are getting from your efforts? You may have tried all that you know about promoting your site and your products, but are you getting the traffic that you wanted? If not, then maybe you need to look in other directions.

But don't worry; you won't have to resort to illegitimate methods just to get the traffic you need. There is a perfectly ethical and legitimate way to get traffic to your site, and it's very effective, too. But what makes this method even better is that over 95% of the people on the World Wide Web have absolutely no clue about it at all. So, have I got your attention? Let me explain it to you a bit more in detail.

Have you ever considered using expired domains for pulling in traffic to your site? Probably not yet, but let me tell you, this is a great (but oftentimes overlooked) opportunity for you. Expired domains have a lot of wasted traffic coming to their site, and this traffic could be put to better use for you instead. If you're lucky, you may even find a domain name that's related to your business in Yahoo. This could save you an instant $200 off the Yahoo listing charge.

Think of the possibilities here. For the cost of a single domain name, there could be loads of traffic just waiting for you! It costs less than $10 to register a domain name nowadays, and coupled with the potential immediate traffic, you cannot find a better deal than this. It's estimated that over 3 million visitors are hitting an expired domain every day. That is mostly targeted traffic, and I'm willing to bet that you'd like to get a piece of that action. If so, then it's time to start working and get those wasted traffic to your site.

But why did these domains expire in the first place? There could be several reasons. Sometimes webmasters just get weary of all the work involved in developing and maintaining the site. Perhaps they become too busy with work or with their personal lives. Others may have carelessly let their domains expire without knowing it, and several may have met with financial problems, so they just stopped maintaining the site.

One good thing about this whole situation, though, is that the traffic that these expired domains have generated since the time they were active just keeps on coming. If you're a virtual realtor in cyberspace, this could make for some very attractive real estate indeed. Registering expired domains need some careful research on your part, though. Most important of all, you have to be certain that the domain's traffic isn't coming from websites that you'd want to avoid at all costs, like porn sites or such.

Now, if you have done your job and made sure that the traffic is satisfactory, you have two options for taking advantage of your new domain. First option is to redirect the traffic from the previously expired domain to your own site. Second option is to sell off the domain, which could be very profitable for you, depending on how heavy the traffic is.

Richard Legg is a web traffic expert and generates over 1.5 Million visitors a year to just one of his websites. Discover how you can instantly generate a flood of unlimited FREE targeted traffic at his new Instant Traffic site. Click to Increase Targeted Traffic for Free.

Article Source: Free Ezine Articles for your Blogs. Get your Free Articles today!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

General Pointers And Precautions Of Buying An Expired Web Domain

As every transaction that involves the transfer of an expired web domain is unique and special, it is quite difficult and strenuous to provide a list of advisories and precautions that can help novice expired domain name investors. Here are some common pointers and precautions that provide an air of safety and security while dealing with expired web domain.

Consider the real value of the expired web domain: Let us say that you have an expired domain that is more than five years old and you have not been able to sell it at a higher price. Now, if you get an offer for that particular expired web domain, ensure that you are not bargaining too much with the prospective buyer. Before you want to reject the offer, just sit down and think about the following aspects:

a)What is the life of that expired wed domain and since how many days have you been holding that domain?

b)How many offers did people make in the previous months?

c)What was the highest offer?

d)What is the level of frequency at which you receive your offer?

Note: If you own an expired web domain of four or more years old, you would better sell it off soon for a decent price. This will result in a fair deal for both you and your prospective buyer. Never be too greedy to dispose the domain for an unrealistic price.

Uncertainty of receiving consistent offers: Expired web domain business is a quiet and discrete event! An offer suggested by one buyer is entirely different from an offer made by other buyers. The market conditions always vary and change overnight, and the market condition of the day is entirely different from the one seen about a year back. Set a price for your expired web domain name and dispose it as soon as possible.

Selling expired web domain is a marketing activity: There is a misconception among domain name investors that people come flocking together to buy expired web domain names! It is not true! Selling expired domain is a marketing activity and you will need to develop the skills of selling your expired domain names in the ever competing market. You may wish to put a notice board saying that the domain name is for sale and interested parties can contact you, in case they are keen in buying the domain.

Providing contact details to prospective buyers: The most common mistake that investors commit is avoiding entering their contact details on the "Whois" database. Ensure that you enter your contact detail on the database, so that prospective buyers can contact you and buy the domain at a good price.

Every domain has its own price: Another mistake that people often commit is to pay a higher price for a particular expired web domain. Many investors assume that a particular domain name will have a great prospect of selling at a very higher price. But, this may not be always true! Ensure that you are paying enough attention, while assessing the real value of the expired domain; never ever, overpay for your expired domain.

Finally, trading in expired wed domain is a delicate act and a thoughtful exercise. Make sure that you learn about pitfalls of buying and selling expire domain names, so that you will not get trapped in the magical circle of expired web domains.

John Khu is the well-known author of a new e-book titled "Expired Domain Secret". He is also a seasoned professional with vast experience in expired domain name business. He is also the owner of the path breaking web site called which provides complete and up-to-date information on expired domains and their eternal secrets.

Article Source: Free Ezine Articles for your Blogs. Get your Free Articles today!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Small Business Owners Should Pick Easy Website Domains

Running small businesses can be extremely difficult. While it is rewarding, bosses need to worry about their finances and finding the right staff that will be able to advance the company. But in 2008, as the world becomes increasingly web-savvy, having a successful website which can draw in customers or be used for advertising and sponsorship is a fundamental part of running a small company.

A leading business website has advised managers to make sure that, when creating a website, they choose a domain name that is not too complicated and easy to remember. The easier the website address is to remember, the more likely it is that customers will visit it.

A spokesman for said that small firms can also try to be a little bit clever when they pick their website domain name, ensuring that the site includes keywords and content in order to push up the firm's search engine rankings.

Domain names are becoming an increasingly lucrative business, with some 128 million domain name registrations having been registered worldwide in the first three months of 2007. Digital infrastructure company VeriSign's Domain Name Industry Brief revealed this represented a 31 per cent rise in the number of registrations over the same period in 2006 and six per cent over the previous three months.

Similarly, new domain name registrations topped 10.7 million in the first quarter of last year, proving that the domain name industry is still going strong. Figures show that this was on the back of particularly high new registration rates between October and December 2006. However, the year-on-year increase still stood at 25 per cent, representing a significant rise.

The spokesman said that in a lot of industries, the bigger businesses snap up most of the obvious domain names, but with a bit of savvy small business clients can increase their chances of being found on a website in order to boost their profile and profits.

He added that having a good domain name is one of the weapons that small business owners can have in their arsenal, but it is just one of the things. The spokesman stressed that a particularly long-winded and obscure domain name will not do the business any favours. He urged small business managers to keep it simple and straightforward in terms of the business that is being run. For example, his own website does exactly what it says on the tin.


This article has been written for information and interest purposes only. The information contained within this article is the opinion of the author only, and should not be construed as advice or used to make financial decisions. Expert financial advice should always be sought and any links contained within this article are included for information purposes only.

Andrew Regan is an online, freelance author from Scotland. He is a keen rugby player and enjoys travelling.

Article Source: Free Ezine Articles for your Blogs. Get your Free Articles today!